Investment expert David Morgan’s latest commentary on gold prices has garnered quite a bit of attention lately. In his article, published on Godzilla Newz, Morgan asks whether gold just experienced a breakout or a fake out.
The article, which outlined Morgan’s investment philosophy and how he reads the gold market, argued that gold has the potential to break out of its current range, but that predicting market movements is an inexact science. He advises investors to do their own due diligence and to take risks only when they feel comfortable and confident about the long-term prospects of an asset.
Morgan further cautions against being swayed by short-term market volatility and to instead consider the bigger picture when making investment decisions. When it comes to gold, Morgan points out that its physical properties make it a safe-haven asset and a store of value, regardless of economic and political conditions.
Despite some technical analysis suggesting recent bearishness, Morgan is not yet convinced that gold is headed for a drop in price, citing the strength of Indian demand and the overall continued loss of faith in government mandated currency.Overall, Morgan advises investors to remain cautiously optimistic and to be aware of the risks inherent in any market before taking any action.
The article provided some insight regarding Morgan’s investment philosophy, and ultimately concluded that while gold might have experienced a small pseudo-breakout, investors should be cautious before making any moves themselves. With all investments, Morgan concluded, education and due diligence are key to success.